The Alchemist diary 2020
The Alchemist diary 2021 ...

- 2020
The kittens went for the second vaccination. They managed everything excellently and without problems.
- 2020
The little ones are gaining weight beautifully and are starting to reach the weight of two kilograms. Pirouette and Eros constantly monitor the little ones and control their behaviour towards other cat family members. Pirouette constantly stimulates the little cats to new performances, which she thinks are necessary for life in the domestic wilderness.
- 2020
On Friday, the kittens went out into the world to visit our veterinarian to receive their first vaccination.
- 2020
The kittens are just two months old. We see how Eros and Pirouette are mirrored in their gestures and expressions and how the little ones try to imitate them. We managed to take a few more photos, which we added to the kitten photo gallery.
- 2020
Pedigrees for our kittens arrived on Friday from the Breed registry.
So from now on, members of the alchemistical commando can legitimize themselves on request with a nice, unobtrusive A4 card (in the economical A5 folded mode), which they pull out of their blue fur in a moment. They are already getting ready to use their newly-acquired ID cards to Pirouette when they go to sneak into the milk bar, that they would finally take something sharper.
- 2020
As the kittens grow, we are constantly expanding their photo gallery.
- 2020
Our fantastic four started receiving the first lessons from the golden fund of cinematography. Since Pirouette and Bandito don't move a step away from them, we hope that Eros won't start with messages like ... Arduin, I'm your father ... and Pirouette won't chirp ... Help us big talking heads, you are our only hope ...
We don't leave anything to fortune and so hand in hand, i.e. rather a paw in the paw, with films we are also improving the musical taste of small blue ones. We are moving in the right direction because small music experts have already been offered a selection from Iron Maiden's album Final Frontier. Due to their dispositions, the little ones will never be hairy metalheads, but they definitely have a hard and heavy heart, and they do not miss the upright tails.
- 2020
We gave the alchemistical kitten gang the code name Arduin. The members of this secret kitten organization are Adora Belle, Amonet, Angua and Anubis ... Anubis The Legacy.
- 2020
This morning, the blue boy looked at the world for the first time with his kitten blue eyes. In the evening, one of the girls joined him.
- 2020
Today our Pirouette became a happy cat mother and Eros a proud cat father of four blue Chartreux kittens. Three girls and one boy were born. The birth weight of the kittens was 97 grams, 90 grams, 112 grams and 97 grams. Pirouette is a great, brave, selfless and tirelessly caring mother.
- 2020
We decided to spend our free time on our veterinarian's planned visit to let Pirouette check her heart. Pirouette was perfectly lovely. The examination finished successfully, and Pirouette received a certificate with a negative HCM result.
- 2020
After our Ally's jubilee, which she celebrated in the coronavirus period in April this year, our Archibald also celebrated his beautiful thirteenth birthday today.
We wish Archie that his heart pump would continue to operate correctly. We also want him a calm and satisfied cat life in front of him after a recent illness when our veterinarian and we cheated Death of Cats).
- 2020
The Alchemists wish you Happy Easter and good health to everyone.
- 2020
We decided to spend the next Saturday in February at the cat show in Vienna. It was a one-day two-certificate exhibition, which we took part in last year in Eisenstadt, Austria. We went to Vienna on Friday to manage the morning check-in and all the preparations in peace and without any haste.
At the acceptance, which included only the control of vaccination in the vaccination card and the scanning of the cat's microchip, we inadvertently created a traffic jam.
The organizers mistook the names of exhibitors from Bohemia, which began with the letter "M" and ended with "ová". They kept trying to force us a ticket with a foreign name, and they didn't understand why we didn't want to take it. After a long examination, repeated explanations on our part that the names are different, they finally gave us an exhibition catalogue (i.e. rather a few broken sheets with the names of cats and their very modest identification) and told us the number of our cage. However, to our surpriseat the place where we were supposed to have a place for a cage, there was one, already decorated cage with cats from the lady whom the organizers exchanged us. Since we should have had a cage next to our Chartreux guardian angel from Hungary, we insisted relentlessly in our place. The fact that a classic metal cage was laid out in our place, although we reported on Sturdi and had it approved and permitted by the chairman of the organization, we preferred not to solve it at all. Because we had originally hoped naively for an empty table for the Sturdi cage, we didn't even take a strong foam pad with us, which would create a soft base between the folded metal cage and the bottom of the Sturdi. We solved this by inserting the entire unfolded Sturdi cage into a metal double cage (if the organizers of the exhibition allow it, we always provide a double cage for one cat for greater space and comfort). In the end, we settled down in our place, quite exhausted, and somehow hoped that all the suffering was over.
The judging within the exhibition took place in two places and according to the information from the organizers, we had to go first to the judges marked with yellow leaves and then go to the judges with blue leaves. Unfortunately, the assessment was dragging on, and when we had not been assessed even by afternoon, we began to worry that the assessment of both assessors would work out almost simultaneously. As we ran from one room to another, we remembered the album "Anarchy and Total Chaos" created by the Czech punk band "Visací zámek" several times. Finally, we started the judging with the judge Michael Edström in the section with blue leaves. Pirča was interested in everything around her as usual. She even dabbled the juror at work and looked at his papers. Before the shoot-in to the Best in Show, we hurried to the judge in the yellow part with the apology that we were still waiting for the shoot-in to the BIS and we would be a late a little. During this shooting, a lilac-coloured British cat finally advanced to the BIS. The second assessment by the judge Ad de Bruijn followed immediately, we just had to move to another room in the building. Pirča and we were already tired and quite nervous, and Pirča certainly didn't look enthusiastic about the next assessment.
In the end, she managed her judgement perfectly and reached into the secret Carthusian reserves of patience and energy during the shooting, and she was completely relaxed. This time it was us, who advanced to the BIS from the shootout against a lilac British cat.
At the end of the exhibition,two BIS took place. First one nominated from the judges from the blue part and then from the yellow part, in which Pirča also received her nomination. We were quite nervous about the general noise, the loudspeaker and motivating the audience to the applause from the organizer, but Pirča stayed calm and was just great. She did not let herself be derailed and the quixotic fight with a Burmese boy (by the way last year's World winner from a well-known Hungarian cattery) passed with honour. The Burmese eventually dominated both BIS in small and larger kittens. The most important thing for us was that Pirča managed everything well and without stress. The show was long and tiring, but we were in the great company of our dear Susan, and we were able to discuss a lot about Chartreux cats and much more.
- and 16. 2. 2020
After one year we returned to the “crime scene” and spent both weekend days at the cat show in Beroun. The exhibition was traditionally held in KD Plzeňka with a perfect background and a spacious place for us and Pirča, so we were completely satisfied at all. We were very pleased to meet our friends and the whole exhibition was for us in a relaxed and friendly spirit.
Pirča was judged on Saturday by Mr Reijers, who liked her very much and did not spare superlatives to her address. Pirča was nominated to the BIS, where there was a great competition of beautiful and quality kittens. In the company of two British cats, Kurilian Bobtail and Ocicat Pirča certainly did not get lost the attention and even though she wasn't left without any votes, it was not enough to win the overall BIS.
On Sunday Pirča was judged by Mr Isakov, and we were very happy that he looked charmed on her. Pirča was wonderful both days, not afraid, but also highly interested in what was happening around her and she cooperated beautifully with the judges. During Sunday Pirča was also nominated for the BIS. In the BIS itself, the situation from the previous day was repeated. Pirča was in the company of another four cat juniors, and because there were also kittens of our friends, we kept our fingers crossed. Winning British boy was very beautiful, and we sincerely congratulated both Lenka and Vašek for the Saturday and Sunday victory in the BIS. We are looking forward, and we believe that the next time we will also see the Chartreux and the Kurilians as the winners.
- 2020
Finally, the day of measuring the Chartreux heart pumps came, and Tamiko and Eros went to their court veterinarian for the HCM screening. Both of them patiently survived the examination, although Tamiko was a bigger rebel than Bandito this time, and she would rather examine the equipment of the surgery than to have calmly examined the pumping heart. The result of the examination was excellent, and both cats received a medical report and confirmation with the result HCM negative.
The Alchemist diary 2019 ...